May Newsletter
Congratulations to Westside Community Schools - they are one of the 24 recipients the country to receive the Youth CareerConnect Grant!
PFI is sponsoring some professional development activities this summer - click now because some opportunities expire soon!
- CASE - Agriculture Education Training: Plant Science
- Project Lead the Way
- Engaged Learning Training
- AIM Faculty Institute scholarships for high school faculty (due May 16 - Friday!)
We hope to see you at the NCE Conference, June 4 - 5 in Kearney, NE.
As always, if Partnerships for Innovation can add value to your career education system, please let us know.
Career Academy Resources
PFI and NDE hosted the Career Academy Statewide Spring meeting in March. The meeting materials are posted on the PFI and NDE websites. PFI has also created a list of nationally recognized resources for Career Academy development or enhancement. The Career Academy Rule 47 is VOLUNTARY, if a school chooses not to have a Career Academy, they do not have to follow the Rule. If a school district is in partnership with a postsecondary institution or ESU and would like assistance with transforming existing early college options to the Nebraska Rule 47, PFI is available to assist! Just let us know how we can help!
CE Standards Website Live!
Over the past three years, Nebraska career education standards have been revised to better prepare students for their careers and to help students better meet the needs of employers. The Nebraska Department of Education and Partnerships for Innovation in cooperation with business and industry as well as Nebraska postsecondary institutions revised the course standards for Career Technical Education (CTE) courses offered in the state’s public schools.
The CTE course standards were also aligned with Nebraska’s academic standards (reading, writing, mathematics and science) and the Nebraska Career Readiness Standards. The new career education course standards and crosswalks are available at
A recent update to the Career Education Standards websitereflects the sequence of career and technical education courses that form the 2014-15 Programs of Study. Programs of Study for previous years have been archived by school year. The 2014-15 Course Code and Clearing Endorsements document is also available.
The model standards will help school districts organize curriculum into sequences for courses in each of the following career fields:
- Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
- Business, Marketing and Management
- Communication and Information Systems
- Health Sciences
- Human Sciences and Education
- Skilled and Technical Sciences
The revised standards also were aligned to courses offered in the state’s two- and four-year colleges to create a more seamlesseducation experience for students. Students begin with high school introductory courses that teach broad concepts and skills, progressing to college courses that offer more specific information and develop higher skill levels. Some Nebraska students will have an opportunity to earn college credits while in high school.
Career education courses provide an opportunity for students to gain the knowledge and skills they need for employment and entrepreneurship. The standards define what students should know and be able to do to enter college or their chosen career.
Career Awareness
Did you know that PFI is available to come to your school or district to share with faculty and administration the myriad of Nebraska based tools available on Career Awareness, Planning and Preparation? PFI is also experienced with assisting schools in identifying local business partners, how to work with them and opportunities for mutual benefit. If you have any need for these services, please do not hesitate to contact us.