August Newsletter

If I could use one sound to describe this summer, it would be theDoppler Effect. Where did it go? I saw the summer coming, and then “poof” it was gone! I hope you had a wonderful summer and are looking forward to the seasons ahead!

PFI was busy this summer supporting the professional development opportunities across the state! Project Lead the Way training was a huge success! An article of Scottsbluff’s adoption of the curriculum can be found in the newspaper article. The Leadership Council approved funding for 2015 Summer PLTW Training as well! Please take advantage of the funding opportunities if your district is implementing PLTW.

PFI has received many thank you notes from faculty who attended the CASE training this summer as PFI provided scholarships for Ag Teachers to attend.

Twelve teachers attend an AIM Faculty Institute workshop in June. One hundred percent of the follow-up survey respondents said they would recommend this training to a colleague and they would be interested in taking another class next summer! Stay tuned to the PFI website under professional development for summer 2015 scholarships!

In June the Partnerships for Innovation Leadership Council approved the 2014-15 Program of Work. Check out the link to see how your PFI investment dollars are working for you!

PFI will be sponsoring the NDE Fall Workshops again this year. We look forward to connecting high school and college faculty in their disciplines! Be sure to check out the PFI video on all of our activities; shown at the workshop and eventually posted on the website! To register for the workshops, please contact NDE.

Did you know that PFI is on Twitter? @PFINebraska

As always, if Partnerships for Innovation can add value to your career education system, please let us know.

National Conference Scholarships Available for Teams: Due August 29!

Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) is pleased to offer sixty, $1,000scholarships for high school and community college educators and administrators to attend one of the following national conferences: National Career Academy Coalition, National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships, National Career Pathways Network, National Career Development Conference or other related national career education conference (pending PFI LC Professional Development subcommittee approval). To be eligible to receive a scholarship, which will cover a portion of the workshop expenses, please complete the online application.Applications are due on or before, Friday, August 29, 2014. Awardees will be contacted on or before September 5, 2014 via email.

Apply in Teams (up to 5 members): Applications will be awarded to teams working to making change in career education. Applications will be assessed based on response to the following prompt:While the purpose of attending the conference is to learn something new and bring it back to Nebraska; in 250 words or less, please describe why your team has chosen to attend this conference, what you hope to learn from attending and how you plan to put the new knowledge into action.

Please note: Scholarships are limited to ONE conference per person per year. PFI or its staff is not responsible for coordinating participant travel, conference registration, meals or lodging. School districts or community colleges will be responsible for providing all up-front costs for participants. Consider accessing Perkins funds if they are available for the additional costs. PFI scholarship payments will be made directly to a school district or community college after the workshop with confirmation of participant attendance. PFI will not reimburse individuals.

Save the Date: Career Academy Meeting

PFI and NDE will be hosting the Fall Statewide Career Academy Meeting in Grand Island at Central Community College Room 525 from 10 - 3 on September 17. If you would like to attend, pleaseregister. An agenda will be posted on the PFI website soon.

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