November Newsletter

Welcome to Winter! I know the calendar doesn’t determine the seasons in Nebraska, but the temperatures do!

PFI updated the website and launched the new look, November 1. The website is designed to better align with the approved Program of Work. As is trendy these days, we have identified one word for each of the three strands. Learn embodies all the professional development opportunities available as well as the external funding application. Connect is space for Career Academy, Nebraska Career Connections and EMSI information. Align highlights the partnerships between education and business/industry, locally as well as across the state. We are looking for more testimonials on how PFI has helped enhance your Career & Technical education programs. If you have a sentence or two, we would really appreciate sharing your story and we’ll post it on the website!

Please check out the opportunities for professional development either hosted by the Partnerships for Innovation or the Department of Education in this month’s newsletter.

As always, if Partnerships for Innovation can add value to your career education system, please let us know.

PFI Professional Development External Funding Applications: Due January 30, 2015

The Partnerships for Innovation Leadership Council provides consortia members the opportunity to apply for funding for professional development activities. Applications should support statewide innovative programming and opportunities for Career and Technical Education. Applications are due by January 30, 2015 for funding from July 1, 2015 - December 31, 2016. This 18 month funding cycle provides consortia the time to implement meaningful opportunities for secondary and postsecondary Nebraska educators and staff. Click here for the application, directions, rubric and timeline.

Registration now open: Space is limited!

Careers in Information Technology, have never before been in such demand, but what are the opportunities and what is IT in the 21st Century?
On March 17, 2015 the Partnerships for Innovation is sponsoring a professional development opportunity to expose K-12 Education Administrators (superintendents, principals, curriculum supervisors, counselors and teachers) to the Information Technology workforce needs in our state.

The day will start at 10 AM Central Time, with a statewide simulcast, streamed live by NET. Three business representatives from Nebraska companies will provide an overview of the current IT workforce needs, occupations and median salary projections.

Each of Nebraska’s community colleges will host area school leaders. Local business panels will share their need for highly trained IT workers. Each participant will have an opportunity to participate in a hands-on IT activity and hear from community college and University of Nebraska faculty regarding the postsecondary programs of study available to meet workforce demand.

The day will culminate with a message from the Education Commissioner, Dr. Matthew Blomstedt.

There is no charge and lunch will be provided at each community college location for registered participants.

Coordinating partners include Nebraska’s six Community Colleges, the Nebraska departments of Economic Development (IT Industry Council), Education and Labor.

Habitudes Train the Trainer Workshop

December 11, 2014 in Downtown Lincoln

The Nebraska Department of Education is excited to announce the plans for the Habitudes for Career Ready Students Train-the-Trainer experience! This experience is designed for those who may be interested in facilitating the Habitudes for Career Ready Students training to local schools. This training is designed for ESU Perkins coordinators, ESU staff developers, community college representatives, or other school officials. As a result of attending this training, participants will be prepared to facilitate the one-day Habitudes for Career Ready Students Teacher training. This training will provide the necessary content and logistical information required to facilitate the Habitudes for Career Ready Students teacher training.

The Habitudes Train-the-Trainer will be Thursday, December 11th from 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at the Courtyard by Marriott Downtown (808 R. St.) in Lincoln. To cover the cost of materials and meeting space, a $30 registration fee is required per participant. Lunch will NOT be provided, so a lunch break will be scheduled from 11:30-1:00 p.m. To register for the event, please complete the form at:

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