Career Academies

To strengthen connections between high school students and careers, communities across Nebraska have created Career Academies. PFI provides ongoing support to coordinators and directors as they create new and exciting programs for students across the state.

Calling all NDE Rule 47 Career Academies!

Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) is excited to collaborate with Malone & Co, the producers of Nebraska Loves Public Schools, to create a video library of exemplary NDE Rule 47 Career Academies.

PFI and the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) will select 3 - 5 Career Academies from various regions across the state; representing various size schools. Each selected Career Academy will have a video created by Malone & Co. The district or school foundation will receive a $2000 honorarium for its time and willingness to share resources.

The videos will be created January – May, 2016. The selected Career Academy will be expected to share all materials, such as, but not limited to: Career Academy specific policies/procedures, student application, work-based learning, career development, contextualized academic coursework, etc. Materials will be shared in an electronic format, which will be posted on the PFI and Nebraska Department of Education Career Academy web pages. Format changes may be made based on the discretion of PFI and NDE staff.

Here are the steps to be a part of this opportunity!

Timeline/Deadline Activity
On or before October 1, 2015 Schools apply to be recognized as NDE Rule 47 Career Academy Program, through the NDE Consolidated Data Collections portal
October 2 – 31, 2015 NDE and PFI representatives will select 3 – 5 Career Academies (representing various Nebraska regions and district size)
November 1, 2015 PFI will connect Malone & Co with selected school districts to identify dates for implementation
December 2015 – January 2016 Partnerships for Innovation will collect marketing materials, how-to manuals, and other supporting documentation for the PFI and NDE Career Academy web pages
January 1 – May 15, 2016 Malone & Co will capture and edit video content
On or before May 31, 2016 All materials completed and posted on website(s)
June 2016 Videos showcased at Nebraska Career Education Conference in Kearney, honorariums awarded to district or school foundation

Questions? Contact us.

June 3, 2015 Career Academy Strand at NCE Conference

Kearney, Dr. Chaney Mosley

All of Dr. Mosley’s presentations are hyperlinked in the breakout title. If you have problems downloading the content, please contact us.

9:30-10:15 Nebraska Career Academy Rule 47: How ALL high schools can implement an Academy. Participants will be provided a detailed overview of the Rule, the components that make-up a Rule 47 Career Academy and be introduced to the online application for Rule 47 designation. Time will be available for general Q & A.

10:30-11:15 What does a Wall-to-Wall Career Academy mean? Terminology abounds in the Career Academy culture. This workshop provides an overview of what Wall-to-Wall looks like for small, medium and large schools; and will delve into the conversation around career academy consortiums.

11:30-12:15 Meaningful Work-based Learning Experiences. Rule 47 requires students have experiences in the ‘world of work’; but how intensive does that have to be? How can our school coordinate that with everything else we have to do? Dr. Mosley will share best practice and provide tools on how to get started. Erika Volker will provide Nebraska specific examples of strong education-business partnerships we can replicate.

1:30-2:15 Career Academy Scheduling and integrating advanced academic courses (AP and Honors). Dr. Mosley has designed this session for medium and large-sized schools that would like to cohort students within an Academy structure. Participants will be introduced to how to craft a course schedule for a variety of systems; for example but not limited to, 8-period, block and modified block – a great introduction for school counselors and schedulers!

2:30-3:15 Contextualized Academic Course (2 hour session). Rule 47 requires one academic core course be taught in context of the Career Academy theme; but what does that look like and how can we accomplish that within our school? Dr. Mosley has designed this 2 hour session for all schools interested in implementing Rule 47 and everyone interested in contextualizing academic core education with career themes.

Contextual ELA/Math/Science in CTE Ideas

June 4

9:30-10:15 Rule 47: Rural School Technical Assistance Workshop. The thought of implementing Rule 47 can be overwhelming. Join the discussion as to how rural schools can easily develop Rule 47 Career Academy programs; building on current CTE programs of study. This workshop is designed to provide rural schools with a Career Academy toolkit for implementation.

NCE_Model_CS6_REVISED For additional images, please contact Andrew at NDE

10:30-11:15 Rule 47: Technical Assistance for Mid to Large-Sized Schools. The thought of implementing Rule 47 can be overwhelming. Join the discussion as to how medium to large-sized schools can easily develop Rule 47 Career Academy programs, building on current CTE programs of study. This workshop is designed to provide middle to large-sized schools with a Career Academy toolkit for implementation.

Rule 47: Nebraska Department of Education Career Academy Rule

As school districts work toward the implementation of Career Academies in accordance to Rule 47, materials and examples are provided below:

Sample Application Screen Shots: NDE Portal

2014 Statewide Career Academy Meeting Power Point

NDE Resources

Resources for Programs of Study and Career Academies

Nebraska Programs of Study and Courses


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