H3: What’s my future?

It can be frustrating and overwhelming thinking about the next step after high school. You are probably being asked by everyone and their brother, “Where are you going to college?” That’s because most people don’t think there are other options. But there are! You have LOTS of opportunities and this workshop is designed to get you to think about life after high school and how to find the right education for your career choice.

Check out these resources which will help you prepare for your next stage in life!

Where to start?

Find out what your interests, skills and work values are with Nebraska Career Connections

What does H3 mean?

True or False – All the good paying jobs require a bachelor’s degree.

Career examples with different education requirements

Videos of companies and jobs in Nebraska

Success in the New Economy: get the right education for the job you want with the talents you have (video)

Jobs in Nebraska

Jobs in Iowa

Reality Check: Find out what’s most important to me (car, house/apartment, in or out of Nebraska, lots of money, etc.)

Entry Level Wage vs. Average Wage

True or False – If I finish a bachelor’s degree, I should expect to make the average wage for my first job.

Funding Future Training

True or False – If I’m well informed, strategic and patient, I won’t have to go into debt to pay for college/training.

Student loan debt has passed credit card debt in the United States! That means that people are paying for their college, even if they didn’t finish a degree! The average student loan debt is $29,400 - Don’t be that guy.

Education Quest can help you complete the financial aid paperwork and look for scholarships.

College Bound Nebraska provides supplemental assistance for students who are Pell eligable and maintain a 2.5 GPA.

It may take you a little longer to go through school, but there are companies that will pay for you to get a college degree!

How do you keep a job?

The number one reason why people lose a job is because they don’t know how to work together in a cooperatively . If you wonder if you’ve got what companies are looking for check out these free online modules with real-life career examples.