Statewide Perkins Consortium Initiative
Creating value for Nebraska’s career education system

Professional Development

Partnerships for Innovation supports statewide professional development for secondary and community college faculty and staff for the improvement of teaching and learning in Nebraska.


The reVISION process provides school(s) with the opportunity to analyze, strengthen, and potentially transform their current career education systems. Through this process, schools will have the opportunity to enhance their ability to educate a qualified workforce that meets industry needs within our ever-changing economy. Working in collaboration with postsecondary education and regional workforce/economic development leaders, the reVISION process links career educators, school administrators, guidance counselors and industry professionals. Under the leadership of the Nebraska Department of Education and the Partnerships for Innovation reVISION will assist schools in preparing students that are globally competitive in light of local economic and workforce demands. Resources and Materials

PFI Funded Professional Development Activities: 2013 - 14

For more information, please contact our staff.

CASE Plant Science

Project Lead the Way Training

Developmental Education Articulation and Completion

Leadership NOW!

Capital Career Center

AIM Faculty Institute Scholarships

NCAC and NACEP Conference Scholarships

Entrepreneurship Infusion Workshop

NEXUS Workshops

2012 Handout 2011 Notebook (pdf)


UNO Gaylor Class 2013

Photo and Video Release: The Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) often takes photographs and video during our events for use in brochures and on the Web. By participating in PFI events you agree that PFI may use any image of you that might appear in photographs or video taken at a PFI event. Please contact PFI to ensure you do not want your photo used in promotional materials.