
I was charged with creating a taskforce to create a 5-year strategic plan for the Omaha Public School’s Benson High Magnet School. The task force would include community, businesses, parents, and staff members. I quickly determined that I needed some help. As we all know, school improvement is a full time job. Unfortunately, active school administrators, teachers, counselors, etc. don’t have time to effectively research, create, plan and implement a school strategic plan. I contacted Erika Volker, at the Partnerships for Innovation. She enthusiastically agreed to coordinate the taskforce. She created a specialized website, agendas, engagement activities, minutes, correspondence, and assembled the final report. She did a fantastic job. I would highly recommend her services for school districts going through any type of school improvement, reVISION, or action planning. - Ken Spellman, Omaha Public Schools Coordinator, Career Education and Magnets

Fremont Public Schools, community and industry explore partnerships (Fremont Tribune)

Because of the support from the Partnerships for Innovation, Nebraska Ag Educators can continue to grow, learn and promote excellent curriculum to their programs. – Alissa Copple, Bridgeport Public Schools

Thank you so much for sponsoring the scholarships for Nebraska teachers to attend CASE training. CASE Curriculum has been an asset to my classroom and I have become a better teacher because of it. I would not have been able to attend training without the scholarship. Thanks again for all you do for agriculture education in Nebraska. – Sarah Knutson, Conestoga Public Schools

I am excited about the CASE Animal Science Curriculum and look forward to implementing it into my classroom. It will be a great hands-on learning experience for my students. – Brian Miller, Falls City Public Schools

Thanks for providing the sponsorship for the Nebraska Animal CASE scholarship. It was a great opportunity for me to learn and update my knowledge in the area of animal agriculture. I am excited to share what I have learned with my students. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. – Craig Frederick, Seward Public Schools

Without the PFI funds for training we wouldn’t have been able to expand our [Project Lead the Way] program to include needed manufacturing and computer numerical control equipment for use in all of our programs. These new tools brought up to date our technical and manual lab facilities. We were also to begin the implementation of an engineering academy. – John Vinchattle, Omaha Public Schools

I would like the Partnerships for Innovation Leadership Council to know what a difference Project Lead the Way (PLTW) has made for our students. By the activity-based approach to lessons, students are always engaged, and they finally understand why their math and science classes are so important. We never have to answer the question, “Why do we need to know this?” Students see on a regular basis the importance of math and science concepts and how they are applied. – Andrew Olson, Kearney High School

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