March 2015 Newsletter

March is proving to be an exciting month! We enjoyed the opportunity to bring IT workforce information to folks across the state through the Nebraska:Think IT activity. Currently we are gearing up for the statewide Career Academy strand within the Nebraska Career Education Conference, June 3 - 4. If you can’t wait to see us then, Erika will be presenting at the ACT Conference in Lincoln, April 9 on the Rule 47 Career Academy Components and Application Process. PFI continues to serve on various CTE advisory councils for school districts and career academy programs. If you would like to have PFI’s input on your activities, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for your efforts in strengthening the workforce and economic development of our state, please let us know how we can better serve you!

Thank you NEBRASKA for a very successful event on March 17! More than 160 engaged learners from across the state attended at their local community college. To our knowledge this is the first professional development of its kind! We were able to bring business, K-12, community college and university groups together to talk about how to address the IT workforce shortage in the state! If you missed this exciting day the resources can be found on the website!
Thank you to all of our partnering businesses, state agencies, postsecondary institutions and especially, Jacob Knutson from NE Economic Development Office.



Save the Date! June 3 Kearney Statewide Career Academy Strand @ NCE Conference

We are delighted to announce that Dr. Chaney Mosley, Director of the Academies of Nashville / Career and Technical Education for Metro Nashville Public Schools in Nashville, TN, will be our lead presenter for the NCE Conference Career Academy Strand, June 3.

I will provide an overview of Rule 47 and the online application process, then Dr. Mosley will be presenting on the following topics:

  • What does wall-to-wall mean?
  • Scheduling cohorts of students
  • How to contextualize the academic course
  • Creating meaningful work-based learning experiences
June 4 the agenda is still tentative, but we hope to showcase Nebraska best practice and provide technical assistance to schools to build Career Academy Programs.

NDE Career Education Leadership Academy Applications available


NDE is excited to announce that the Career Education Leadership Academy will be held Monday, July 27 - Wednesday, July 29 in Lincoln. This event is designed to grow the leadership potential of secondary Nebraska Career Educators. It is a practical, hands-on experience that will inspire, engage, and strengthen your leadership knowledge and skills.


The expenses associated with participation in the Career Education Leadership Academy will be covered by the Nebraska Department of Education; which includes round-trip mileage to and from Lincoln, double-occupancy lodging (if more than 60 miles one-way from Lincoln), meals, and parking. Additionally, two graduate credit hours will be offered through the UNL’s ALEC Department for those wishing to earn credits for their participation.


If you are interested and able to participate, please contact Dr. Cory Epler [email protected].

Please note this is not a PFI sponsored event.


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