The Leadership Now! training includes 14 units, and is designed to be presented over the course of two quarters, a semester or a year. For more details, whether you are a training coordinator, a participant, or you supervise a potential participant, please check out this:
The materials for each session include a workbook chapter, a recorded lecture, and supplemental links. The workbook includes group discussion questions and individual activities that reinforce what you are learning. A textbook is not required for the course, but you may want a copy of Strengths Based Leadership by Tom Rath and Barry Conchie and/or The Leadership Challenge by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner for reference. You will need to complete the Gallup StrengthsFinder 2.0 assessment before beginning the course. More information on these resources in included is the “How to use this training” document and on the “Facilitator materials” page.
An introduction to the Leadership Now! course and trainer. This video covers the basics of leadership and how it is defined for the purposes of this course.
An overview of the Leadership Challenge model of developing leadership skills in your work and personal life.
An overview of Strengths Based Psychology, the myths of weakness, and Gallup’s Strength-Based Leadership model.
The first leadership practice, modeling the way, is built on individual character. This is defined by finding your voice (credibility, honesty, forward looking, inspiring, competent), clarifying your personal values, and setting the example for your followers.
Understanding your unique set of strengths will help you become a better team member and leader. You will also learn how those strengths work together in you and with other team members to build a stronger and more effective team.
Tools for effective leadership, part 1. (Self-Awareness, Manage Your Emotions, Seek Feedback, Take the Initiative, Engage a Coach or Mentor)
Tools for effective leadership, part 2. (Set Goals, Practice, Measure Progress, Reward Yourself, Be Honest and Humble). The session concludes with a discussion of blind spots, and your comfort with all 34 strengths.
The second leadership practice, inspiring a shared vision, involves challenging the existing process, seizing the initiative, and making challenges meaningful in creating a shared sense of destiny that others want to be a part of.
The third leadership practice, challenging the process, requires searching for opportunities and taking risks. The session concludes with a brief discussion of emotional intelligence.
The fourth leadership practice, enabling others to act, is based on fostering collaboration and teamwork, and strengthening others through a climate of trust and positive interdependence.
The fifth leadership practice, encourage the heart, recognizes the contributions of team members and celebrates the values and victories of individuals and teams (focus on clear goals and expectations, provide constructive feedback).
The fifth leadership practice, encourage the heart, recognizes the contributions of team members and celebrates the values and victories of individuals and teams (expect the best for each person, pay attention to performance, management by walking around, personalize recognition).
Communication is the Foundation to building a successful team. A practical model for communication uses active listening skills and speaking to be understood.