External Professional Development Funding

External PD Funding Applications for 2018 Now Available! 

Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) Leadership Council has established a funding proposal application which will be used to evaluate appropriate use of funds for approved activities. All applications must address the Partnerships for Innovation purpose and areas of focus, serve consortia member populations statewide via face-to-face, online, distance learning or by other formats, be innovative and must be submitted by a consortia member, Nebraska Department of Education or Nebraska Career Education. 

Proposals must be postmarked or electronically received by March 16, 2018 for the funding of an eighteen-month implementation. A Professional Development subcommittee of the Leadership Council has been established to review the proposals and provide recommendation to the full Leadership Council. The submission calendars are available in Appendix A. The full Leadership Council will vote on the proposals at the next full meeting in April 2018 and will notify applicants by April 20, 2018 of the status of the application. Please submit completed applications to [email protected] or to Retha Dunn, 1105 S. 47th Street, Lincoln, NE 68510

Application and Directions - Click Here

If you have questions, contact Retha Dunn [email protected] or 785.341.8121  

2017 - 2018 Submitted Funding Proposals (PDF)

Partnerships for Innovation is please to announce the grant recipients of the 2017 External Professional Development Funding proposals. PFI has awarded a total of $284,730 for the 2017 projects; Personal Finance Institute, Prove It! Statewide Capacity Building for Competency Based Career & Tech Ed, and Aligning Nebraska’s Secondary & Post-secondary CTE Programs. To view all of the proposals submitted, click on the links below.

Approved Applications:

Other Applications Considered: Business & Marketing Leadership Forum, Aggregate Economic Impact Study, Health Science TRANSFUSION Bus Tour

2016-17 Submitted Funding Proposals (PDF)

Approved Applications: Developing Authentic Learning Activities in Math, Science, and English     Language Arts, Statewide Career Education Needs Assessment and Accuplacer Transition.

2015-16 Submitted Funding Proposals (PDF)

Approved Applications: Reading Comprehension, Developmental Education Conference and High School of Business.

2014-15 Submitted Funding Proposals (PDF)

Approved Applications:  Personal Finance Institute, CASE Agriculture Training,  Engaged Learning, and Foundation Education

2013-14 Submitted Funding Proposals (PDF)

Approved Applications:  Project Lead the Way, Capital Career Center, Leadership Now!, Developmental Education Articulation and Completion, Entrepreneurship Infusion Workshop,  CASE Agriculture Training (Plant Science),  and the AIM Faculty Institute.

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